How Does A Frequency Wand Work?The Frequency Wand Is A Skincare Tool That Can Help Reduc …

But before you buy one, read up on how they work.

The device works by passing an electric current through a bulb filled with neon or argon gas. This generates light, heat, and enriched oxygen molecules that benefit your skin.

How It Works

Generally, a frequency wand works by using low-level electrical current to create a light bulb-like effect at the surface of the skin. It can be used to treat a variety of skincare concerns, from acne to fine lines and wrinkles.

The aforementioned bulb-like tip is designed to stimulate blood flow, increase collagen production, and high frequency wand for wrinkles promote lymphatic drainage. The wand is typically sold with multiple heads for different areas of the face.

For example, the wand aptly named the “pointy electrode” is great for cystic pimples, while the wand named the “mushroom” is more of a generalist. Using the right size gauze pad, the wand can be glided over your entire face for a more thorough .

For the best and most effective results, use the wand daily for 6-8 weeks, then alternate between the wand and a good old-fashioned exfoliating scrub. As with all treatments, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get the most from your wand.


High-frequency wands are an effective beauty tool that can help reduce acne, blemishes, and other skin issues. They use electrical currents to stimulate collagen production, increase blood circulation, and promote lymphatic drainage.

These wands are great for helping to reduce inflammation, and can also improve the skin’s tone and texture. They can also help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as treat eczema and psoriasis.

To use a frequency wand, first remove any makeup and cleanse your face with Bare Face Cleanser. Next, apply a serum.

Benjamin recommends using a serum with epidermal growth factors (like her StackedSkincare EGF Activating Serum, $149) because they can speed up healing.

After thoroughly washing and drying your skin, insert the electrode into the wand and move it over the affected area in a circular motion for 1-3 minutes. The device will emit a slight tingle, and you’ll notice that your breakouts have reduced significantly after a few treatments.


The frequency wand is one of the most popular skincare tools on the market today. However, there are some questions surrounding the safety of this product.

These devices come with a range of different heads that can help zap stubborn zits. They include a spoon-shaped attachment that helps treat contours of the face, such as around the nose; a dot-point electrode that targets pimples; and a mushroom electrode that can be used on broader areas of the skin.

They can also be used on dry skin or with a serum or moisturizer for increased effectiveness. It’s recommended to use the wand twice a week after cleansing for 10 minutes covering the face and neck.

If you’re not sure how to use a high-frequency wand, it’s important to consult with a dermatologist or esthetician first. They can help you determine the best device for your skin type and tone. Additionally, they can help you avoid some common mistakes that could damage your skin.


A high-frequency wand is a small beauty tool that uses electrical currents to treat a variety of skin concerns. It can improve skin tone and texture, reduce inflammation, and promote collagen production.

It also helps increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. It can be beneficial for people with acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Despite its effectiveness, it’s important to use a frequency wand correctly. It can be a little bit harsh on the skin, so it’s important to be careful when using it and not to overuse it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a frequency wand emits some UV light, which can overstimulate pigment cells and make post-blemish marks worse, says New Jersey dermatologist Karan Lal.

Luckily, there are some good options on the market that will help you get clear skin and feel great about your appearance. Check out our reviews to find the best high-frequency wand for your needs!

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